Monday, April 19, 2010

Random crap...

First order of the day is coffee!
I'm really trying to just pick up and move foward. Work started back up this week (bluuurg) and my garden needs tending to.
I never realized weeds could be such a relentless enemy! Who knew?

As you may know (or not) I've been grieving the loss of Peter Steele of my favorite band Type O Negative. A talented and troubled man... I take these things to heart...I really do. I took this news very hard....But I can't lay down and die with him (I think Troy would be a little bit pissed;).
So I'm cleaning, blogging, and I'll tackle those fucking weeds later.

I'm really hoping that Sage pulls her head out of her ass and buckles down in school...The year's almost over and my hair's steadily turning gray!
We always picture our kids doing better than us and I feel that's how it should be. I don't pray often, and when I do I usually end up falling asleep in the process *sigh* but I'm praying that she'll pull it together and show her libtard teachers what she's made of (I mean come on, she's my kid! Let's kick some ass!)
I sucked in school too- However, I had a few distractions such as my parents divorce which was rather messy, relocation, death, health issues and a whole bunch of other shit to keep my mind off any academic subject matter. My daughter has never known that kind of life, she didn't have to grow up fast. Instead she acts like a clueless 12 year old who takes everything for granted! WTF???? I'm at a loss.... And I'm tired of dwelling on it because it depresses me to no end.

So how 'bout that "How To Train Your Dragon" movie??? Anyone see it?
I thought it was fantastic, or course that's the advantage to having children- I get to relive my childhood vicariously through them. I took the girls to see it Saturday night, we ate popcorn doused with extra butter, Reeces pieces, diet soda (why bother, I know...) and I'm sure it all went straight to my ass.
Great! But it cheered me up and the girls seemed to enjoy it.
I also took them to that Indian Meuseum in Washington last Thursday. I could've sworn it was much cooler than it really was. I went as a child and I thought it was great. Wasn't there a tee-pee? Or some such shit? Because all they had was a bunch of clay pots and arrow heads (big fuckin' deal) and a few huts out back made of tree bark! I was sorely disappointed! Here I thought I was being a really awesome parent by taking my kids to see something cultural, some early American history and all that....It sucked out loud, don't waste your time going there, seriously.

On that happy note, I'm done with my coffee, the dog's scratching at the door and the laundry's not going to fold itself so ....that's all folks;P

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