Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just a thought....

Why do people break up with someone, only to hook up with someone who shares certain interests and physical features of their ex? Such as style, music, likes ,dislikes etc...I just find it odd....The only thing any of my ex's have in common with my husband is music/ musicians/alcohol issues....I've always liked variety....I think dorky guys can be cute but I prefer big tall guys....Like my husband, and he's got very dark hair and eyes (lord knows where our daughter came from! She looks just like him but has blond hair and my blue eyes:o) Yay for that!
But sticking to the subject, I can understand going for someone who shares common interests, makes sense. But I personally have never gone out with guys that share certain physical features. I wouldn't want to confuse them with my ex!! Lol...seriously! My last boyfriend before I met Troy was tall, blond, muscular, very good looking....and an alcoholic:o(
The one before him was psychotic, dorky, wore glasses and was a fuckin' pothead:o(
Sage's dad was tall, slim/muscular (at the time), had red hair and was an alcoholic:o(
And the biggest fuckhead I ever dated was a curly haired Italian runt...and a major drug addict....Do you not notice the pattern? They all looked different, each one had (some) likeable qualities , a couple were musicians, but they were all substance abusers.
Even my husband has alcohol issues, I won't lie. It's made our relationship/marriage extremely difficult at times. We were in our early 20's when we hooked up and I just figured he'd outgrow it.

I just wonder what it is within ourselves that draws us to a certain kind of person? I never sought out drug users and alcoholics. I used to enjoy doing that shit too but it never was an issue for me until someone else got involved. I kind of contradict myself, I know. I wouldn't have been hooking up with losers if I hadn't been hanging around with them and taking part in the "fun". But I was just having a good time, I wasn't looking to invest in a life of addiction.

And so I met Troy and saw someone who liked to have fun. Too much fun, but unlike the others he had a good sense of responsibility. He seemed "normal", I knew he wasn't a pervert that would try to molest my child, he had a good job and went to work nomatter what. He was going to school to further his career. I was attracted to that because I'm no slouch. I've lived on my own, was a single mother, took care of myself and my child without help from the state. Wasn't easy. But I was happy, I didn't need a man to support my ass or make me happy. I didn't need Troy (or want him at first, lol...) but eventually I did want him:o)

What sets him apart from the others is that he sees the error of his ways, he makes an effort to right the wrongs, he's a good father, a good provider and a huge pain in my ass, but he's mine. No ones perfect,but I can only put up with so much bullshit and I think he knows that.


I'm past tired and this rant was weird, but I just couldn't help thinking about it today...I'm always facinated by what the human race has up it's sleeve....

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